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Any data collected by Headphase Media (henceforth known as “the site†or just “siteâ€) and you is for informational purposes only. It will not be sold, transferred, or used for any purpose other than contacting you occasionally via email about money saving tips, new product releases, or relevant information as deemed by the site unless you contact us via the contact link on this site and specifically request to be removed from such a list. In the event that you do request to be removed, you effectively cancel your right to receive automatic updates concerning new products or product updates to which you were previously entitled. You also forfeit the right to download certain documents from the site as per the discretion of Headphase Media.
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In the event you request support, personal assistance, or technical advice from Headphase Media, you agree that this information/interaction may be posted on the site in an appropriate area and in good faith with the spirit of the conversation. That is, if you request technical support for a common issue, the resolution and parts of the interaction, where appropriate, may be posted to alleviate future concerns of other users. Additionally, any testimonial, personal story, or submitted information which may be considered appropriate “marketing†material is property of the site, and may be posted where appropriate.
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